
Market turnover exceeded 750 billion yuan, and northbound funds sold more than 7 billion yuan today, with the number of declining stocks exceeding 4,700.

  Almost all industry sectors fell, with semiconductor, photovoltaic equipment, power equipment, ship manufacturing, electronic chemicals, and electronic components leading the decline, only the education, tourism hotel, and game sectors rose against the trend.

  As for individual stocks, Wole Home (603326) fell nearly 10%, and at the end of the session, it fell sharply and hit the limit down, with a trading volume exceeding 1.1 billion yuan. The stock had hit the limit up for 8 consecutive trading days before.

On the news front, the company announced at noon that it and related shareholders such as Yu Fan Wei have received notice of investigation from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on September 7th for suspected over-proportional reduction of holdings.

【Institutional View】 CITIC Securities: The stock market will usher in a "golden September" market, and now is an active entry point CITIC Securities pointed out that the real estate "recognizing houses but not loans" policy has been implemented in first-tier cities, and the interest rates of existing housing loans have been lowered, and the minimum down payment ratio in restricted purchase cities has been reduced.

Active capital market policies have also been introduced, such as reducing stamp duty and restricting reductions in holdings.

There are also policies such as debt-to-equity swaps under formulation, which may ultimately achieve the goal of "firmly blocking the cycle of economic weakness and expectation.

In addition, August PMI and high-frequency data also indicate signs of economic stabilization.


Regarding the stock market, we believe that now is an active entry point, and the market will usher in a "golden September" market.